Pro Plant Design

Project Management Consultancy

We are award winning architect

Tender Engineering & Management

PPD provides Bid management services for tenders of large scaled projects. This service can be provided for a single Project tender and/or enterprise wide bid management system development. PPD also provides tailor-made cloud based software tool to ensure fulfillment of  bid management system workflow and RFQ requirements.

Cost Management

In order to define cost of Engineering projects, AACE regulations should be followed. Company’s historical data is needed to be processed as benchmarking studies as well. PPD provides services for development of cost management accordingly with the Client’s organization.

All costs, collected bids and conditions should be recorded in database. Furthermore PPD can develop cloud base cost management software tool based on Company’s cost management workflow.


Unknown effects are more than known effects of importance of scheduling. EVA (Earned Value Analysis) is highly important but ignored aspect of scheduling. PPD provides to Client schedule management system development with EVA. Furthermore, PPD      provides  tailor-made cloud based software tool which interacts with scheduling software (Primavera) to ensure conduction of project scheduling & monitoring system.

Document Management

Most of engineering projects contains hundreds or up to thousands of engineering documents. A handy tool to manage those documents is mandatory in our era. PPD provides document management system set-up and development accordingly with Client’s requirements. Also provision of tailor-made cloud based document management software including document approval cycles, variable document numbering system is one of PPD’s services.

Procurement Management

Large scale engineering projects requires provision of procurement services. PPD provides procurement management system development In order to manage both company wise and project specific procurement services . It is highly recommended to support procurement services with software tools to ensure fulfillment of workflow.

PPD develops project specific project & quality management system(s) and Client specific software tools as single module, multiple modules or complete package covers :

Project Management

Bid & Tender Management

Document Management

Bill Of Materials of related Project

Scheduling & Monitoring

Cost Management

Procurement Management

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