Pro Plant Design



PPD has large software library to increase reliability of the project and reduce manpower to complete the project. PPD is also registered partner of PASSUITE softwares in Turkey.

3D Plant Design


AVEVA E3D Design offers class-leading productivity and capabilities while retaining seamless compatibility with other AVEVA Engineering and Design solutions including AVEVA Unified Engineering.

Cadworx Plant Suite

Hydraulic Flow Calculations

Pass hydrosystem

Pass hydrosystem: Diameter selection, heat and hydraulic analysis of steady state and transient flow in piping systems of any complexity, including networks with loops. Multi pase (including slurry flow) flow calculations, choke flow calculations, surge, water hammer anaylsis.

Pipe Stress Analysis

Pass Start Prof

Pass Start- Prof : provides comprehensive pipe stress, flexibility, stability, and fatigue strength analysis with related sizing calculations according to international and national codes and standards. SIF calculations of bends, trunions, equipment nozzles

Caesar II

The following codes are implemented into Start-Prof software:

Vessel, Tank, Column & Shell Tube Heat Exchanger Design

Pass Equip

Pass Equip : provides strength and stability analysis for horizontal and vertical vessels, columns, storage tanks, as well as shell, tube, and air-cooled heat exchangers under static and seismic loads in order to evaluate bearing strength. PASS/EQUIP also provides finite element analysis of vessel nozzles for the purpose of estimating their stress, stiffness, and allowable loads.

Calculation codes
Allowable stresses for finite element method (FEM) analysis are defined by the following codes implemented in Nozzle-FEM:
Besides finite element method calculation, the program supports CIF and flexibility calculation via semi-analytic methods according to WRC 537/107(297) (Welding Research Council Bulletins No. 107, No. 297 “Local stresses in spherical and cylindrical casings caused by the external loads”) and BS5500-76 (British standard).
PASS/Nozzle-FEM performs similar calculations (without FEM analysis) of vessel elements and nozzle junctions as per the following codes:
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